CHANDANASAVAM- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Chandanasavam is an Ayurvedic medicine for seminal diseases, urinary & renal diseases. It is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Benefits of Chandanasavam

It is a medicine for defects in the formation of sperm and semen. Being a nourishing formulation, it works as an aphrodisiac. It helps relieve azoospermia and other disorders of sperm & semen formation and ejaculation.  It is also beneficial in premature ejaculation & erectile dysfunction. It is used widely in infertility.

It is used in the treatment of almost all urinary tract diseases. It helps to dissolve and expel urinary calculi. It clears proteinuria especially albuminuria.

It is useful in indigestion, loss of taste, intestinal parasites and other diseases of digestive system. It helps in bleeding disorders, vertigo, burning micturition, iron deficiency anaemia etc.

It improves digestive & absorptive power in deficiency diseases and compromised immunity like tuberculosis.

It improves taste, digestion & absorption, sleep, reduces stomach discomforts, and relieves memory problems.

Indications of Chandanasavam

Sukramehavinaasana: – Relieves turbidity of urine

Balapushtikara                – Improves strength and muscle bulk

Hridya                               – Improves taste

Vahnisandeepana: para: – Improves digestive fire

Ingredients of Chandanasavam 

Indian sandalwood Chandana Santalum album

It is famous for its anti-tumour and anti-cancerous properties. It has a very expensive essential oil made from it, makes it famous in the cosmetic industry. It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-proliferative agent. It is beneficial for treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, common warts and molluscum contagiosum.

Fragrant swamp mallow Vaalaka Pavonia odorata

It is used as a coolant, diaphoretic, diuretic, and demulcent.

Coco grass, nut grass, purple nutsredge Musta Cyperus rotundus L.

It has marked anti-inflammatory action. It also has anthelmintic, antioxidant and antifungal properties. The drug improves lactation, relieves fever, burning sensation, and excessive thirst. It is also used in treating diarrhoea, dyspepsia and skin diseases.

Beechwood Gambhari Gmelina arborea

 It has anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anthelmintic, anti-microbial, cardio-protective, anti-ulcer, gastro-protective, anti-cancerous, anti-hyperlipidaemic and immunomodulatory activity. It is the one of the main ingredients in Dasamoola for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.

Heart leaf/pickerel weed Neelolpalam Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C.Presl

It is a famous herb for its nephron and hepato-protective properties. The root is used to cure toothache, asthma, stomach and liver disorders. The entire plant excluding the root is eaten as vegetable by some local tribes and the leaves are used to treat cough, fever, etc. The paste of the tuber is used externally as an antidote to snakebite poisoning in the traditional Vaidya system.

Large leaf beauty berry Priyangu Callicarpa macrophylla

It is anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, neuro-protective, anti-amnesiac, anti-tubercular, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and analgesic activities. It can be used in the treatment of tumour, polydipsia, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, fever etc. It is also used in obstetric conditions.

Wild Himalayan cherry Padmaka Prunus cerasoides

It has anti-oxidants and is used to treat skin diseases and herpes. It is also used in vomiting, nausea and gastritis.

Lodh tree/ Symplocos Lodhra/ Pachotti Symplocos racemosa Roxb.

 It has wound healing, anti-diabetic, and hepato-protective properties. It is good for eyes, and a uterine tonic. It alleviates Kapha, Rakta & Pitta. It is used to treat eye diseases, skin diseases, fever, swelling, herpes, Diarrhoea & dysentery. It is recommended in many gynaecological issues especially frequent abortions.

Indian madder Manjishtha Rubia cordifolia L.

 It is a blood purifier. Used in the treatments of almost all skin diseases. It improves complexion. It enhances the liver functions.  Beneficial in diarrhoea and eye diseases.

Red sandalwood Raktachandana Pterocarpus santalinus L.

It has anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, anti-hyperglycaemic and diaphoretic properties. It is used in the treatment of fever, haemorrhage and dysentery.

false pareira root/ velvet leaf Paatha Cissampelos pareira L.


 It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions. This plant is used to treat gynaecological conditions. Patha is used in the treatment of chronic non-healing ulcers and sinuses. It is also used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases and in the treatment of poisonous bites.

Indian nightshade  KIratatikta Solanum indicum

It has anti-oxidants. It also has anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immune-modulatory, neuroprotective, diaphoretic, expectorant and stimulant properties.

Banyan tree Nyagrodha Ficus benghalensis Linn.

 It has astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, diaphoretic, anti-diarrheal, anti-emetic, anti-microbial and immune-modulatory properties.

Sacred fig tree Aswattha Ficus religiosa Linn.

It has anti-ulcer, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties. It is used in the treatment of gonorrhoea and many skin diseases, asthma, diabetes, diarrhoea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious disorders and sexual disorders. The results of few pharmacological studies already reported its potential against cancer, cardiovascular disorders, neuroinflammatory disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders, oxidative stress related disorders and parasitic infections. 

Aromatic ginger/ sand ginger/kenkur/cutcherry/resurrection lily Satthi Kaempferia galanga Linn.

 It is an anti-tussive, expectorant, anti-pyretic, diuretic, anabolic, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and carminative. It is a blood purifier. It is used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders, asthma, rheumatism, epilepsy, wounds, skin diseases, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, flatulence, and cancer.

Small-flowered fumitory Parpataka Fumaria parviflora AUCT. NON. LAM.

This drug is mentioned as the prime remedy of fever in Ayurveda. Fumaria has been traditionally used as a laxative and diuretic. This plant is applied in treatment for dermatologic conditions such as eczema. The drug is suggested to be beneficial in hepatobiliary disorders, and also for colic pain.

Liquorice Madhuka/ Yashtyahwa


Glycyrrhiza glabra L.

 It has anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-malarial, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-hyperglycaemic and hepato-protective properties.

Siamese ginger Rasna Alpinia galanga (L.) WILLD


It is known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It is one of the main ingredients of various formulations alleviating pain.

Pointed gourd Patola Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.

 It has ant-diabetic, hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and wound-healing properties. It has anti-oxidants. It is useful in lowering cholesterol and skin diseases. It acts as a laxative.

Mountain ebony/orchid tree Kanchanara Bauhinia variegata Linn.

Its bark is traditionally used as tonic and in treatment of ulcers. It is also useful in skin diseases. The roots are used as antidote to snake poison. In traditional medicine, this plant is also used for managing several diseases including inflammatory conditions. It has antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activities. 

mango Amratwak


Mangifera indica

  It has antidiabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, cardiotonic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory properties. Various effects like antibacterial, anti-fungal, anthelmintic, anti-parasitic, anti-tumour, anti-HIV, anti-bone resorption, antispasmodic, antipyretic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-allergic, immunomodulation, hypolipidemic, anti-microbial, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective have also been studied.

Silk cotton tree Mocharasa


Salmalia malabarica Schott. &Endl. or Bombax ceiba

It has ani-hyperglycaemic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory, hypotensive, analgesic, ani-hyperlipidaemic and anti-diarrhoeal properties.

Fire flame bush Dhaataki Woodfordia fruiticosa Kurtz

 It is an anthelmintic, in dysentery, leprosy, blood diseases, leucorrhoea, and menorrhagia.

Black grapes Draksha Vitis vinifera L.

Grapes are a nourishing and slightly laxative fruit that can support the body through illness, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract and liver. Because the nutrient content of grapes is close to that of blood plasma, grape fasts are recommended for detoxification. The fresh fruit is antilithic, constructive, cooling, diuretic and strengthening. The fruit is also helpful in the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. The dried fruit is demulcent, cooling, mildly expectorant, laxative and stomachic. It has a slight effect in easing coughs. It is used as a remedy for skin diseases and in diseases of the eyes.




Details of the manufacturing 

As already discussed, Chandanasavam has 24 herbal ingredients, sugar and jaggery.

All herbal ingredients should be washed well and dried up in shade.


Draksha              – 20 Pala

Dhataki              – 16 Pala 





Neela utpala







Kiratatikta                                                                    One Pala each (Powdered)











an earthen pot coated inside with ghee. Add 2 Drona of water into it. Add 1 Tulam of sugar and ½ Tulam of jaggery into it. Mix it well. Cover it with a clean white cloth and keep it closed and airtight. Keep it for 30 days in a dark place with low temperature. After 30 days, open it and filter through a clean white cloth. Keep it in an airtight glass bottle. Asavam can be used for a longer period of time without any preservatives.

Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga margas.

Chandanasavam is Vaata-Pittahara and brumhana.

It acts on aabhyantara and bahya rogamargas. 

Dosage and Usage of Chandanasava

Dosage: 25-30 ml after food


Arishtam is advised to be taken after food, once the ingested food and arishtam will digest together.

It is taken two times or three times a day immediately after food. 

Exercises and Yoga.

As Chandanasava targets mainly digestion and immunity, following regular exercises and specific yoga asanas like pavanamuktasana, vajrasana, bhujangasana etc for lower back and abdomen recommended.

Regular exercise helps improve bioavailability of the medicine and food ingested and leads to positive health.

Yoga can maintain harmony within and with surroundings.




Exercises for Low backache

All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.

Recommended diet and behaviour


  • To be avoided

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digeastion

refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening agni (digestive fire)

curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases

  • To be added

Light meals and easily digestible foods

Green gram, soups, buttermilk boiled with turmeric, ginger and curry leaves

freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc 


Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight wind rain or dust.

Avoid lifting heavy weights and other vigorous physical activities.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Avoid sitting continuously for a long time and avoid squatting.

Side effects and contraindications

No known side effects reported.

Diabetic people and people with gastric ulcer should not take arishta-asavas.

As it contains iron, some persons may develop discomforts like constipation. 

Classical references



Equivalent medicines.



Brands Available

AVS Kottakal

Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala

SNA oushadhasala


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